Les Miserables

I just bought the iPod records of Les Miserables from the iTunes a few days ago. One is the 10th Anniversary concert version, and the other is the Motion Pictures version. And I think the 10th Anniversary one is better than the Motion Pictures one.
Les Miserables is the one and only the one musical that I saw in 2004 in London. Full of memories recalling back when I saw the movie of Les Miserables. There was a little sad story to show how I was so stupid in love…
I always said if you were in London, even though you don’t like music or classical music, you should go to watch Les Miserables at least.
In fact, I bought 2 tickets at that time and want to invite the girl I love to go together to watch. But I finally gave up because of the lack of courage…And then finally went to the show on my own… Wasted a 50 pound ticket…
I am still a very stupid boy at the moment, no improvement for so many years… The story I haven’t told to anyone until now, even my friends in London didn’t know the story as well…
But at this moment, I have to face my dark history in my past to improve myself…

Hiking in Hong Kong

After raining for a few weeks, Today is a nice day for hiking, a bit dry, cool and cloudy but a bit sun light sometimes day. My favourite route is the Violet Hill route in Hongkong Island at this moment. It is short, just two and a half hours, have very nice views, and have so many steps of the trail which could help me to train up my muscle, lungs and heart. At the end of the route, I could go to Stanley for my rest, walk along the coast with coffee, coke or beer and enjoy the sea views. There are quite a lot foreigners hiking on this route, including British, French, German, American and Japanese, most of them are working in Hongkong and some of them had been in Hongkong for more than 10 years.

I met an very nice old gentleman who is British and had been in Hongkong for 44 years. He also walked alone, just like me. We met at the Peak of Violet Hill and chatted for a while as I was having my lunch. He loves hiking and Hongkong is a very nice place for hiking, just an hour or less than an hour travel, you can visit any kind of hills with nice views. And so he choose Hongkong as his home. He had travel to many countries for hiking in the past 50 years since he was 17. He had been to Africa, South America, the Rockies, the Himalayas… Lots of hills in the world may have his footprints. Nepal is the country he like the most.
He said that the Nepalis are very pool but they are very happy. Nepal is the happiest country in the world. He enjoys the times with Nepal as you could feel their happy and makes you happy. You will ask question on yourself “Is money really the most important thing in your life?” And he also said when you in Nepal, you could see the cloud along the mountains. It is the most beautiful view he had ever seen.

I would like to find sometime to go Nepal. To see the view as he told me before. Although I have so many countries want to go as well…

I enjoyed my trip today and it had refresh up my mind. I had learnt a lot.
Money? What the hell.
Love? What the hell.
I am what I am. Nepal, may be my next target. Of course, I have to plan my India trip 1st on the March 2014…
I wish this kind of thinking could last for more than 1 day or week…

Cloudy, cloudy and cloudy…

I don’t like the spring in Hong Kong. It always cloudy or raining. When I am unhappy or in blue mood, I would like to go for a walk or hiking. But the weather of the spring is not good for the outdoors. So I could only stay in home to listen music. As I have no mood to listen happy melodies, most of the melodies I listen at this moment are the sad melodies… It makes my blue mood much darker…
But at the current dark blue mode, I still have to work, have to do the gathering and have to put afford in the opensource communities. These all activities are the only way to prove myself I am still useful…
When I look back what I have done in the past 10 years, I had made so many wrong decisions, lost my “True Destiny”, lost the chance of the UK residentship, lost the chance to study in Cambridge, lost the chance to be a PHD…
In fact, I am what I am at the moment because of those wrong decisions.
If not those wrong decisions, I could not join Apple.
If not those wrong decisions, I could not found my company, but I am still in a hard life to running it…
If not those wrong decisions, I could not be an Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Linux User Group.
If not those wrong decisions, I could not have chance to hold some opensouce projects to help the elders, children, students and Linux users.
If not those wrong decisions, I could not join a political party and try to help Hong Kong to be better, but of course I am finally totally disappointed and think about immigration.

All the things I have at this moment is based on my wrong decisions.
But I am still not free myself and forgive myself is the lost of my “True Destiny”.
It is now turning to the scar of my heart. It won’t never be forgotten and disappeared…

I wish tomorrow would be a sunny day…



此文講的大致正確, 但不代表大陸簡化字簡得正確。
我非常尊重日本的新字体, 因為他們同時保留了該文簡化字所謂的草書特點, 又保留了部份古字, 又或在簡化中, 保留漢字象形指示特點, 如齒->歯, 牙係用來食米的, 比大陸用“齿”來得要好; 而日本仔亦不會亂把多字簡化為一個字。
古人把字繁化原因有好多, 為了立威, 為了書法美感, 為了雕版排版問題, 為了分工。
而經得起考驗變成常用字的, 多是書法美感, 排版, 及分工字。
社會愈複雜所用的字自然會愈多, 這個才是發展常態。

而該文講漏了的, 大陸簡化字把部份字變了簡單的形聲字, 又或用簡單的同音字代替, 而所用的音, 是以北京話為主, 這個才是最大問題。
鬱金香 -> 郁金香
抑鬱 -> 抑郁
蕭邦 -> 肖邦
乾杯 -> 干杯
幹什麼 -> 干什么
乾什麼 -> 干什么

拒絕紅色洗腦, 撤銷国民教育









